Welcome message
Educators and school staff are at the heart of a successful AP program. At AP for All, we partner with all teachers at a school, not just those teaching Advanced Placement classes. We provide resources, training and support to ensure that faculty and staff have the tools they need to best support their students.
AP Teachers can take advantage of various supports including:
- AP for All Curriculum and Instructional Support: supports from AP for All and College Board to build and teach an AP course
- AP for All Formative Assessment: Learn about our interim assessments to help students build the skills needed to succeed in AP and beyond.
- AP Teacher Learning Community (APTLC): Learn and grow with the AP for All instructional team and NYCDOE AP teachers in a series of synchronous and asynchronous learning modules and virtual office hours starting in August 2020 and continuing throughout the 2020-2021 school year. This training is new and is a response to ongoing effects of COVID-19 and the switch to remote learning.
- Schedule time with a Content Area Specialists: To schedule a meeting with a Content Area Specialists (CASs) or city-wide Master Teachers (MaT) in one of the supported course areas. (DOE login required)
Vertical Content Teams
At AP for All, we often say that “AP is not for the elite, it is for the prepared.” For students to be prepared for an AP class, they need meaningful preparation for advanced coursework from day one. All students must be equipped to succeed in advanced courses to close gaps in participation and performance for all students. AP for All encourages content area teams to meet regularly and vertically align courses to create a clear and logical progression of skills, content and mindsets. Visit our Vertical Team Resource page for resources and support to get started at your school.
Teacher Leaders
Beginning in 2016, AP for All has been proud to partner with the Office of Teacher Recruitment and Quality (TRQ) to support teacher leaders in the schools we work with. Teacher leaders are at the forefront of the day-to-day AP for All work in schools. Visit our AP for All Teacher Leaders page to learn more about the role.
AP Teachers
AP for All is here to support novice and veteran teachers of Advanced Placement courses.
Our team currently supports the following AP courses: