School Leaders


Welcome Message

At AP for All, we rely on our partnership with school leaders to manage both the instructional and programmatic components of our program at your school. We will notify you periodically by email to access this site for time-sensitive information. Here you will find resources, professional development opportunities for staff, dates for student events, and data that will help you manage and maximize the impact of AP for All on teaching and learning in your school. AP for All supports for both students and teachers have shown to have a positive impact on student performance in class and on the AP exam.


Take a look at upcoming events and filter by stakeholder to see what professional learning opportunities your school can participate.

Data Snapshot

Access your school’s data to determine areas that may show disproportionality in your academic program. This data can be used to engage in reflective practices to examine if there are any underlying conditions that may have contributed to this. Contact if you need a copy of your most recent Snapshot

Insight tool (Programming for Equity):

Insight is a DOE web-based tool that allows multiple users to access timely and actionable data in order to help them better understand their practices and students. Insight helps users to easily recognize trends and patterns in their data, allows them to investigate issues and disproportionalities and provides supports to address them, and empowers users to create conditions that raise achievement for every student.


Guidance managing AP for All funding in your Galaxy; guidance on allowable and high-leverage allocation of these funds to maximize student learning.

  • SAM Funding
    • Per Session: Guidance on allowable and high-leverage teacher and staff activities.
    • Purchasing: Guidance on allowable and recommended AP course supplies.
  • Recommended Course Supplies

Additional Resources

Academic Policy
Review guidance on managing AP Course credit, grading, and coding in stars.

AP Parent and Community Engagement (PACE)
Access tools and resources to promote AP awareness and equity here.

Formative Assessments
Learn about assessments to help students build the skills needed to succeed in AP and beyond.

Quarterly Updates

Review important action items from the AP for All Team.