Differentiation@AP Spanish Language and Culture class/Session 1

Engage all your students by creating differentiated communicative contextualized tasks corresponding to different proficiency levels in your AP Spanish Language and Culture class! Based on the revised NYS learning standards […]

Scaffolding@Spanish for Non-natives /Session 1

This workshop aims to systematize different forms of scaffolding and help in their selection and use. First, we will examine the characteristics of effective educational or instructional scaffolding in the […]

Scaffolding@Spanish as foreign language/Session 2

This workshop aims to systematize different forms of scaffolding and help in their selection and use. First, we will examine the characteristics of effective educational or instructional scaffolding in the […]

Proficiency Scales and Literacy session 1

Literacy is not only taught in ELA classrooms. Literacy is the ability to engage with the world around you. In these PL sessions, participants will learn how proficiency scales (designed […]

Differentiation@AP Spanish Language and Culture class/Session 2

Engage all your students by creating differentiated communicative contextualized tasks corresponding to different proficiency levels in your AP Spanish Language and Culture class! Based on the revised NYS learning standards […]

Reading Strategies across content areas

Participants will engage in reading strategies to foster literacy across the content areas. (This PD is appropriate for teachers of all content areas).